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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2010 Northwest Arkansas Bridal Show!

Have you ever been to a Bridal Show?!?!??  As the name would imply, they are full of all things wedding-y and bride-y  ~  a plethora of sights and sounds and tastes for your eyes and ears and mouth, everyone wanting to entice you to choose their cakes and dresses and flowers, to choose them as your photographer or DJ or event planner ... and this past weekend ... I joined in the mayhem! :)

My first-ever Bridal Show appearance was this past Sunday at the Arkansas Democrat Gazette's Fall 2010 Northwest Arkansas Bridal Show in Rogers, AR.  I had a wonderful time meeting my new colleagues here in the Northwest Arkansas region, as well as interacting with hundreds of brides-to-be  (and even a few brave grooms-to-be!)  who were there shopping for all things wedding!  If you were one of those brides and grooms, remember that you have until midnight this ***FRIDAY*** (October 1st) to book your wedding package at the special bridal fair price of 20% off the regular package price!!!!!!  Please email me at kathrynmcgillphotography@gmail.com to discuss details of your wedding and/or arrange a consultation!

Although actually TAKING photographs wasn't my main objective on Sunday, I was able to sneak around and snap a few photos of the gorgeous displays other vendors had set up ... there was some AMAZING decorating on display in the convention center; below you'll find a few of my favorite shots from the day ... I especially loved seeing all beautiful sample CAKES!!! :)

T-shirts and stickers for the guests of honor!

Amazing cakes and cupcakes designed by HARP'S!  (www.harpsfood.com)


I was lucky enough to be across-the-street booth-neighbors with the awesome guys from www.djconnectiontulsa.com  ...  I highly recommend them!!!  Such super-nice guys!!! :)  

First Bridal Show experience = a success!  


  1. I like the cake that looks like a DRESS!!! It has a skirt!

  2. Great shots, but your booth looked even better.

  3. You and your booth look amazing!! I have no doubt you had a successful day. Who could resist you or your booth of fabulousness!
