Looking for my official website?!? Click on the collage above and it will take you there!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Another day, another look back at a favorite wedding...! :)

I'd like to share with you some moments from an October wedding that was PARTICULARLY special to me, since because of it I now have two sisters, two brothers... and a new BROTHER-IN-LAW! 

The great thing about those closest to you getting married is that you get to be in lots of beautiful weddings, which is *TONS* of fun!  The "bad" thing - if you're a photographer, that is - is that you're otherwise occupied and too busy to actually BE the photographer that day ... and therefore have to leave those duties to someone else! :)  My sister and her husband had great photographers for their wedding; however, I couldn't resist sneaking a few shots of my own every now and then!

Here's a glimpse at the wedding of Mr. K and Miss A ... othwise known as, my sister and brother-in-law!

The Place ~ St. Charles Church in Bloomington, IN

The Day ~ October 24th, 2009

Mom of the Bride's SHOES!

Special Touches ~ The Groom's grandmother's handkerchief, and the pearls Miss A shares with 2 of her best friends!

Bride Shoes

Mother of the Bride's dress hangs in wait...

Introducing: The Brothers of the Bride!

An Usher's Boutonniere

Dress Details (This was our FAVORITE part!)



What a beautiful day for a wedding!

To put it mildly, Miss A is not a fan of cake... ;-)

The Groom's little cousin caught the bouquet ~ what a cutie!!

And just for fun...
Here's a little collage I made for my family!
*NOTE* Thanks to my Other Half, J, for the photos in the above collage that I'm IN and therefore obviously did not take!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


What kind of photo blog would this be without highlighting a few of my favorite WEDDINGS?!?

In the past few years I've been lucky enough to participate in the weddings of some of those nearest and dearest to me...

THIS pretty southern wedding is an example of one such wedding!  My college BFF (let's just call her Miss M) and her perfect groom (we'll call him Mr. J) got married in South Carolina in the Spring... and their wedding was a perfectly lovely reflection of THEM and their sweeter-than-sweet relationship!

Here are some of my favorite images from their Big Day!

The flowers were stunning! 

Accessories of a Bride...

Miss M's new sister-in-law and niece getting ready... you're never too young for a little lip gloss on a special occasion! :)

Mom and Daughter #1

Mom and Daughter #2 - Mother of the Bride attending to The Bride just moments before the ceremony!

Details of a Bride


Miss M with one of her bridesmaids... two of my favorite girls ever!

A quick refreshment-break just before walking down the aisle!

Gifts for the grandparents ~ PRECIOUS!


Gift Table at the Reception

First Dance as Husband and Wife ~ so happy!

The reception was at a gorgeous art gallery ~ these were some artistic metal PALMETTO TREES ~ we were in South Carolina, after all! :) 

I call this one, "Scene from a Bridesmaid's Life: Post-Reception!"


Beautiful wedding, beautiful couple... Thanks for letting me steal some of your prettiness for my blog, you guys!  I love you both!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Get used to it!!!

You're going to be seeing a lot of this...

My new LOGO!

Thanks to the fabulous up-and-coming artist and designer, Amanda White, who designed this for me!  You can see more of her work here:

She's a great designer and a great F-R-I-E-N-D and I really appreciate all her expertise! :)

So here's the unveiling ...

Kathryn McGill Photography's official logo!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It was a rainy day in Happy Valley...

... when my friend Angela and her fiance James had planned to get some engagement pictures taken.  Not just rain - but the ickiest wettest coldest rainiest muddiest day we've had in awhile! :(  Unfortunately, James doesn't live here in town so this was our only opportunity to get together for pictures and... we tried our best! 

Instead of my usual preference of shooting primarily outside in natural light, we found a few indoor spots to try instead.  And luckily, James and Angela were two brave lovebirds and were great sports about venturing outside a few times in the downpour to grab some shots at some Penn State spots that are special to them! :)  They were their usual hilarious and beautiful selves, despite the rain! 

Look below for a sneak peek of a few cute pictures from their rainy-day session; THANKS you two for being flexible and I promise that someday, we'll take pictures again when it's sunny and dry and we have more options! :)

The Beautiful Engagement Ring!

Sorry there's kind of a leaf in your face, James - but it's such a cute picture of Angela! :)

The Beautiful Bride!

Real Smile from Mr. Groom-to-Be :)
(Let's just say he doesn't love photo shoots!)

THIS IS WHERE THEY MET!  (more or less!)
Angela and James were in the same Ph.D program at Penn State and wanted a few shots outside "their" building on campus!

Where it all began...

Old School :)

By then we were all drenched... but I still *LOVE* these cute pictures of J & A at the "Lion Shrine" - they're true Penn Staters so we had to take at least a few with The Nittany Lion!!

Angela dubbed this a "sheen of mud."  Ick!!

Congratulations you two!
You are a gorgeous couple through and through, and I am so happy for you both!