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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

*TRAVELOCITY* Part II (Californ-I-A!)

"There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California."  (Edward Abbey)

So, I grew up in Indiana.  Which - don't get me wrong - was a GREAT place to grow up! :)  But we didn't travel much in my family... and there wasn't exactly an ocean in my backyard! 

Now that we live in PA, we're closer to an ocean but FURTHER from that big and beautiful state of CALIFORNIA! 

My point is:  As a girl - from - Indiana - who - recently - moved - to - Pennsylvania - and - had - never - traveled - from - either - of - those - landlocked - states - to - California, I was *THRILLED* when the opportunity presented itself for us to go to there this fall with the excuse of J presenting at an academic conference (I mean, he DID actually present at a conference - that part wasn't a lie!) ... OF COURSE we'll go to California for a week for "WORK!"  To illustrate my excitement, I will show you a picture that I drew WITH CRAYONS in anticipation of our big trip ..... And yes, I do often draw with crayons.

So here's my second post of the night ... A peek at my week as a California Girl/West-Coast Photographer!

Flowers on Lombard Street

Just like a movie scene!

Hello WIND!!!  (Jon took these next two ... obviously, as I'm *IN* them ... but they're a good example of the blustery-ness we experienced most of the week! :)
Hair + Wind = Impossible!

Welcome to Napa Valley

These next two shots are at the Mondavi Winery:

I think this may be the very definition of "picturesque!"

These grapes actually belong to...
Francis Ford Coppola!
J got a chance to do research at his archives, on his property... which for him would have been worth the trip WITHOUT all the other fun stuff we got to do...!
So while he did that, I got to explore the Coppola family's wineries - gorgeous!!!


Muir Woods National Monument on a raniy day - amazing!

I seriously think that this was a parking garage - even those are pretty and green! ;-)

downtown San Francisco, California

A night on the town... (or really on the "pier" I guess...!)

It just kept getting prettier as the sun kept going down...

Yeah so, remember earlier when I said I wouldn't put any more cheesy SELF-photos on the Blog..?!?!?  Well... apparently I lied - whoops! :)  This is us, self-photo-ing it up! :) :) 

Sensing a pattern here...?!  Let's just say, I LOVED the Golden Gate Bridge!  (I'll stop with the bridge pictures soon, I swear!!)

This one's more for the NAME than the actual boat - it's called "ADVENTURE CAT!"

It might have been possible that my co-photographer was getting just the tiniest bit bored of the bridge at this point...!

More Wine-Country

You'd probably never guess this is at ALCATRAZ!

These next few are probably more what you'd expect at Alcatraz, especially this one - from the inside looking out across the bay:

Thanks, California!
All in all, I'd say this Indiana Girl had a pretty great FIRST California experience! :)

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