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Thursday, May 13, 2010

T.G.I. Heather's Bridal Shower! :)

Finally - back to the blog!  Here's an assortment of photos from a few weekends ago, when we honored my dear friend Heather with a Bridal Shower just ONE DAY before her wedding!!!

It was a whirlwind wedding extravaganza weekend and we had a fantastic time at each and every one of the special events ... including this lovely shower at one of Miss H's all-time favorte restaurants: T.G.I. Friday's! :)

So here you go ... and more soon I promise!


Meet Nick (he's Heather's cousin Amy's little son and he's *A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E*):

Amy has another son named Ryan - he is ALSO adorable ... and Ryan definitely loves his Cousin Meghan! :)

And so begins my obsession with the FAN-freaking-TASTIC cupcakes procured by Heather's new sister-in-law Katie --- THEY WERE GORGEOUS!!!
(And just as delicious too!)
Oh Georgetown Cupcakes, how I love thee...!

OK - so - moving on to some non-cupcake aspects of the shower! :)

Sweet Ryan with his sweet mommy, Miss Amy:

And here's Heather the Bride with her lovely Maid of Honor, Dawn!

...and practicing her mothering-little-boys skills with Baby Ryan!


A family friend made the neatest card for Heather ~ it was a SCROLL:

Flower Girl Ella loved her cupcake too ...
in fact, I think she helped her mommy pick them out! :)




Stay tuned for more Heather-and-Michael's-Wedding-Weekend-goodness ...

You won't be diappointed, I promise!  It was a beautiful wedding and I can't wait to share more pictures with you all!

kathryn mcgill photography

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