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Thursday, December 31, 2009

First Things First!

Welcome to the *NEW* Kathryn McGill Photography Blog!

New year, new business endeavor... :)  New BLOG!

Please add me as a "favorite" or "bookmark" this page or whatever technologically-fancy option you prefer, and check back OFTEN for more pretty pictures!

I'm going to start with a whole slew of posts to catch people up on some of the different types of photography I offer... including but not limited to the following:


In the first months of 2010 I will be offering E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y lowlowlow introductory prices as I work to establish my business...  So leave me a note on this blog or ***EMAIL ME*** at kathrynkelly319@gmail.com or look me up on facebook if you're interested in booking a session! :)

THANKS for stopping by and Happy New Year to you all!

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